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Apply Now

Apply Now and Application Process: 


We're excited for you to begin your Kohelet Yeshiva application! Please see the steps below, noting that the process varies for KYLS (grades K-8) and KYHS (grades 9-12).

Grades K-8 Application

  1. Create an Account: Click New Student Application to begin and create an account.
  2. Submit Application:
    • Complete the application form, including a $100 non-refundable fee.
    • Include a birth certificate (Kindergarten only) and a recent photo.
  3. Intake Interview: Our team will schedule a 30-45 minute Zoom interview with a parent.
  4. Visit Day (for 1st grade and above): Email Miriam Morley at [email protected] to schedule a classroom visit; this takes place after the intake meeting.
  5. Admissions Decision: Notifications are sent in early 2025 and on a rolling basis.

Grades 9-12 Application

  1. Create an Account: Click New Student Application to begin and create an account.
  2. Submit Application:
    • Complete the application form, including a $100 non-refundable fee.
    • Include a recent photo, middle school transcripts, recommendations (Math, English, LK), and any testing information (if applicable).
  3. Parent Interview: Our team will schedule a 30-45 minute Zoom interview with a parent.
  4. Student Interview & Visit Day: Schedule a December classroom visit and student interview, or conduct an interview over Zoom.
  5. MAP Test: Administered remotely in early January.
  6. Admissions Decision: Notifications are sent in early February and on a rolling bases.

Important Dates

  • January 6, 2025: Application Deadline Grades K-5 
  • January 21, 2025: Application Deadline Grades 6-12 
  • January 10, 2025: Financial Aid Applications Open
  • March 3, 2025: Financial Aid Applications Due


For questions, please reach out to Miriam Morley, Admissions Associate, at [email protected] or 610-667-2020, ext. 2020.